Greetings in the Lord Jesus. Here is the update regarding Sunday services for this week.
As you are all most likely aware of, the B.C. Provincial Government has implemented a plan for “re-opening” the Province. In light of this, our weekly Covid-19 update will be a bit different from earlier weeks.
We will return to all normal services immediately, which means –
- We will have prayer meeting on this Sunday at 9:30a.m. (it will be the Confession study the following week and then alternating weekly as we have done in the past). We will meet in the fellowship hall, but if there are too many persons and we cannot maintain social distancing, we will move to the sanctuary.
- We will continue our morning and evening services (11:00a.m. and 5:00p.m. respectively) as we have always done in the past. Please try and arrive early for the morning service as we have had to turn people away in the past.
- I will discuss the Lord’s Supper with the deacons and try and figure something out prior to the first Lord’s Day in June. If I can buy a donut and have someone hand it to me, I’d like to think the church of Jesus Christ can maintain safety while dispensing the elements involved in the Lord’s Supper.
- As with last week’s update, if you have small children, please consider attending with them in the evening service rather than the morning service so that more adults can attend in the morning.
- We will restart our Wednesday Night Bible Study next week (May 20th). We will meet in the fellowship hall, but if there are too many persons and we cannot maintain social distancing, we will move to the sanctuary.
We will continue to honor the government’s recommendations concerning the limitation placed on the number of people who meet. We have been very fortunate in British Columbia that we have been able to meet for worship with fifty persons or less, but this is not optimum. The people of God belong in the house of God on the day of God so hopefully we can return to normal as soon as possible. Pray to God to turn the hearts of the civil government in this direction (Proverbs 21:1).
We will continue to comply with social distancing and with the other sound recommendations; i.e., washing hands, not coughing on one another, etc.
We do sanitize the sanctuary (including door handles, etc.) on Saturdays, so those who want to come can feel as safe at church as they do at Wal-Mart.
Members and regular attenders of FGBC are still free to make their own decisions as to whether or not they will attend church meetings at this time.
Please pray that the Lord would bless local churches so that the worship of God can continue, in person, as the Lord intended.
In Christ,
Jim Butler