In Matthew 12:46–50, we learn that there is a disparity between the righteous and unrighteous. Sometimes, the unrighteous are in our own families as people that are nearest and dearest to us. Seeing that difference is not going to alleviate all the pain or take away the string. It’s not going to right every wrong, but it does go a long way towards encouraging, stabilizing, and steadying the hearts of God’s people. When you come to church not just for social interaction, but for familial connection within the one body of God’s people, we get to be sons and daughters of the living and true God, and thus, brothers and sisters one to another. We are there for each other, to pray for each other, to encourage each other, and to help each other along the narrow bath. This is a blessed provision from our gracious and merciful God.
There is hope in Jesus. In John 7:5, we see that Jesus’ physical brothers did not believe in Him. But in Acts 1:14, we see His brothers gathered with the church. Don’t give up hope! I know that temptation and tendency when we know we have told our relatives about the gospel more times than we can remember, we have been praying for them, and we have even urged them. We almost want to throw up our hands. No – instead, be faithful, steadfast, and persevering. Take them to the throne of grace. Give them the truth as it is in Jesus when able and pray that God most High would give them that new birth and open their hearts so they can receive the things spoken, that they may hear of Christ, believe on Him by God’s grace, and have everlasting life.
Do not despair while there is still breath in the unregenerate person’s lungs. There is hope for sinners. And our God has shown us that He is in the business of saving sinners. We’re here, right? We’re saved, right? We’ve been converted. I like to think of it this way. If God was able to save Paul as the chief of sinners, and he was able to save us – though we can’t make that claim under inspiration, we would probably all fight or arm wrestle him for a stake in that claim – God can save our loved ones. He did this with the brothers of our blessed Saviour. Even after they showed animosity, man-centeredness, and suspicion in His earthly ministry, they were in a prayer meeting with the apostles and Mary in Acts 1. Don’t despair. Don’t give up hope. Press on in your prayers, preaching, and faithful witness.
Transcribed and edited excerpt from sermon preached on July 24, 2022.