The Indian and The Worm

A POOR old Indian, who had been by grace led to see Jesus as his Savior, was one day asked what he had done to become a Christian. “I did nothing,” he replied. “Well, tell us how it happened, then, that you are so changed.” “Come into the woods with me and I will show you,” said the…

Of the Gospel – John Gill

Excerpted from A Body of Doctrinal Divinity – John Gill There was Gospel in the former dispensation, though called the legal dispensation; it was preached to Adam, to Abraham, and by Isaiah, and other prophets, as has been observed. Yet there is a clearer revelation and ministration of it under the present dispensation; as the…

Spurgeon on Creeds

To say that “a creed comes between a man and his God,” is to suppose that it is not true; for truth, however definitely stated, does not divide the believer from his Lord. So far as I am concerned, that which I believe I am not ashamed to state in the plainest possible language; and…

Thomas Brooks on Truth

“Ah souls, have you not found truth sweetening your spirits, and cheering your spirits, and warming your spirits, and raising your spirits, and corroborating your spirits?  Have not you found truth a guide to lead you, a staff to uphold you, a cordial to strengthen you, and a plaster to heal you?  And will you…