Ask FGBC #32: Are there different types of faith?

Got a question on Christianity, Gospel, Scripture, Theology? Submit your own questions here. Summary What are the different types of faith? The discussion explores the distinctions between saving, historical, temporary, and miraculous faith. Saving faith, as described in the Bible and the Second London Baptist Confession (Chapter 14, Paragraph 3), is uniquely transformative, involving belief…

Ask FGBC #24: Why is it important for a Christian to continually confess his sins?

Got a question on Christianity, Gospel, Scripture, Theology? Submit your own questions here. Summary This episode features a discussion on the importance of confession, forgiveness, and maintaining a strong relationship with God. Pastors Mike Kirkpatrick and Jim Butler, along with Wim Kerkhoff, address why Christians should continue confessing sins even after being forgiven, explaining that…